Organic Certification...Done

There are 19,474 organic farmers in the United States. We're proud to be one of them. If you think about it there aren't even enough of us to fill a football stadium on any given Sunday. We're a small group who share our customer's appreciation in healthy living. We value the environment more than the bottom line and believe the health of water, soil, and wildlife are our shared responsibility.
Every year I look forward to our annual organic re-certification visit. Our inspector is great, his name is Gary. He's a wealth of information and very pleasant to visit with.
Gary shared a link to a video featuring Roy Thatcher. Gary inspects Roy's organic farm, too.
I appreciate Roy's hard work and ethics - especially regarding quality. While most farmer's biggest concerned is yield, organic farmers greatest concern is quality. We do our absolute best to provide products that are good for our customers and of the highest quality. I couldn't have said it better myself, thanks, Roy!
Enjoy the video.
Great video. I wish all farming could be this way!
Thanks, we wish there were more organic farmers, too. Roy Thatcher does a beautiful job telling his story.