Murphy's Law of Farming

1. The week your new chicks or bees arrive so will a cold snap.
2. You'll ONLY have problems with the planter on the rows most visible from the road
3. Animals ONLY escape when you're running late and DON”T have time to round them up.
4. As soon as the hay is raked a pop-up rain shower will bless your farm
5. The hay baler ONLY breaks when you're trying to beat the rain
6. If you borrow something it will break
7. The day that guests, or the vet, come to the farm everything goes wrong and the chores don't get done
8. The newer your clothes the more animal slime they'll collect
9. While lecturing your children on the importance of closing gates the one you've just latched will swing open behind you.
10. You'll discover you're wearing your barn shoes when everyone in the grocery line starts sniffing the air and looking around.
11. When you are trying to finish your own project (gardening, canning, cleaning) your husband will interrupt you at least 300 times. When you need his help he'll have vanished.
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