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The Power of One Grass-fed Steer

The Power of One Grass-fed Steer

  • 1 grass-fed steer prevents soil erosion
  • 1 grass-fed steer builds soil’s organic matter
  • 1 grass-fed steer improves soil’s water retention
  • 1 grass-fed steer, when MIG grazedOpens in a new window, reverses desertificationOpens in a new window
  • 1 grass-fed steer prevents 8 pounds of phosphorus from entering waterways
  • 1 grass-fed steer feeds four families healthy meat and heals the environment
  • 1 grass-fed steer removes up to 20,000 pounds of atmospheric carbon from the air
  • 1 grass-fed steer keeps 100 pounds of nitrogen from polluting streams, rivers, and lakes
75% of all grass-fed beef sold in the United Stated is imported. Buying local grass-fed beef supports farmers and restores the environment where you live.

Now, from the power of grass-fed meat to superbugs ...

The latest tests by federal scientists found that nearly 80% of supermarket meat had antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
“Consumers need to know about potential contamination of the meat they eat, so they can be vigilant about food safety, especially when cooking for children, pregnant women, older adults or the immune-compromised,” said Dawn Undurraga, Environmental Working Group’s nutritionist and author of the report.
Those bacteria were resistant to at least one of fourteen antibiotics tested for by the Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System, a federal public health partnership.

Now, Let’s Talk Corn...

Genetically engineered corn seed is “stacked,” with traits. There are three levels of “stacked” corn. Each stack is either; corn borer resistant, rootworm resistant or herbicide resistant. A double stack has two traits, a triple stack has all three.
GMWatchOpens in a new window reported that rats fed triple stacked corn developed leaky stomachs.

Now, It's Your Turn...

Put the Power of One Grass-fed Steer to work for you. Feed your family healthy meat that repairs the environment and heals the earth. Avoid products that cause harm to your family and the area you live in.
You have the Power to improve your diet and the earth!