Bees Are Fascinating
Honey and Honey Scrubs show proven results when applied to the skin. I researched the curative properties of honey and developed HoneyScrubsOpens in a new window to exfoliate and moisturize skin with amazing results. Here's how it all started...
One year, for my birthday, Keith bought me a hive set-up, bee suit, and tools to get started. I took a beekeeping class at the local college and ordered a package of bees.
Because honey is healthy I started cooking with it, and I use honey in smoothies and energy drinks. But, after more research I began into using it topically.
Passionate About Bees
Learning the healing benefits of honey is exciting. It started with our dog, EvaOpens in a new window. She had an open wound on her foot that wouldn't heal.
We tried different treatments for months.. They all failed, but then we switched to honey. It did the trick! Every day I spread honey on Eva's foot and bandaged it. And, once we started using honey, she healed in record time.
That's how I discovered the secret to softer skin. The skin of my hands was soft and deeply moisturized after Eva's treatments.
So I researched the curative properties of honey and developed a honey scrub to exfoliate and moisturize my skin. The results are amazing.
HoneyScrubs gave my face a radiant glow. The fine lines and discoloration vanished, too. My skin is hydrated, even in the driest days of winter. I use HoneyScrubsOpens in a new window exclusively.