It’s April first again. Much to the dread of the family, I love April Fools Day. I dish out pranks pretty well, but I don't enjoy being on the receiving end.
A few years ago I decorated a piece of styrofoam to look like a cake. It looked good enough to eat.
After dinner I asked Cookie to cut the cake for everyone. Goober, our young son, got forks, napkins, and plates.
He instructed his big brother on how to cut the cake. He pointed out which piece he wanted. As cookie was cutting he looked up at me, "The cake is “really tough”. He cut through the first piece, and cried out, “It’s a fake!” Younger son examined his slice, then he burst into tears. My fatal error that year was that I didn’t have a real cake to backup the fake one.
I still laugh about it. As a matter of fact, I’ll be laughing again this year. Cookie is heading back to Vietnam on Tuesday. So, on Monday, April Fool's Day we're celebrating his birthday.
I have styrofoam ready.
“April 1 This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four.” Mark Twain